Tips for Non-Technical Founders learning AI:

  • Focus on understanding the "what" and "why" of AI, rather than the technical "how." You don't need to be a programmer to grasp the core concepts and potential applications.

  • Look for case studies and real-world examples of AI being used in your industry. This will help you identify opportunities and potential use cases for your own business.

  • Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek out experts. The AI field is constantly evolving, so staying curious and informed is crucial.

  • Understanding AI and its business implications is crucial as you embark on starting your AI company. Whether you aim to enhance business operations, develop new AI-driven products, or provide AI-powered solutions, the right knowledge base is critical. Here’s how to gear up.

  • I wrote some quick definitions for AI jargon because I needed a clear understanding of these phrases myself. The definitions capture the most commonly agreed explanations.

    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE aka AI - You all should know this one but I’m defining it here as I want to clearly differentiate it from AGI below. AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. This includes problem-solving, recognizing patterns, understanding language, and performing tasks that typically require human intelligence.

    ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE aka AGI - What we should all be at least a little wary of - AGI, also known as strong AI or full AI, refers to a type of AI that possesses the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level equal to or surpassing that of a human being. AGI can perform any intellectual task that a human can, demonstrating generalized cognitive abilities.

    GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE aka GenAI refers to AI systems that can generate new content, such as text, images, music, and other media, based on patterns and data they have been trained on. Examples include language models like GPT-3 and image generation models like MidJourney.

  • You will need to know what a Token is to put together your business plan. In Step 6, I go over the costs of each model for Token usage.

    TOKEN - Tokens can be thought of as pieces of words. Before the API processes the request, the input is broken down into tokens. These tokens are not cut up exactly where the words start or end - tokens can include trailing spaces and even sub-words. Here are some helpful rules of thumb for understanding tokens in terms of lengths:

    · 1 token ~= 4 chars in English

    · 1 token ~= ¾ words

    · 100 tokens ~= 75 words


    · 1-2 sentence ~= 30 tokens

    · 1 paragraph ~= 100 tokens

    · 1,500 words ~= 2048 tokens 

    TOKEN LIMITS - Depending on the model used, requests can use up to 128,000 tokens (in GPT-4) shared between prompt and completion. Some models, like GPT-4 Turbo, have different limits on input and output tokens.

    OUTPUT TOKEN LIMIT - Limit refers to the maximum number of tokens that an AI model can generate in a single session. In simpler terms, it's the total length of response you can get from an AI model, which contributes to the overall Token Limit.

    CONTEXT WINDOW - denotes the total number of tokens permissible in a session. This includes tokens from a user's interaction with a chatbot in a conversational exchange or the processing of code, files, images, videos, etc. It accounts for both the user's input and the model's output.

    Note: These * marked definitions were taken from OpenAI Help Community directly without edits.

  • OpenAI aka Chat GPT

    Google Gemini

    Anthropic Claude

    Meta Llama

    Go to Step 6 to see the Comparison Table of each one’s strength and weakness

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful tools, but their success hinges on how effectively you guide them. Here's a comprehensive guide to crafting prompts that unlock their full potential:

    1. n-shot Prompts + In-Context Learning:

    Concept: Train the model by providing it with multiple examples of the task you want it to perform. This helps it understand your expectations and generate more aligned responses.


    • Quantity matters: Aim for at least 5 examples for optimal generalization.

    • Diversity is key: Include examples with varying styles, complexities, and lengths to enhance the model's adaptability.

    • Real-world context: Use examples relevant to your specific task and domain.


    **Task:** Translate English phrases into Spanish.


    * English: "Hello, how are you?" | Spanish: "Hola, ¿cómo estás?"

    * English: "I am doing well, thank you." | Spanish: "Estoy bien, gracias."

    * English: "What is your name?" | Spanish: "¿Cuál es tu nombre?"

    * English: "My name is [Name]." | Spanish: "Mi nombre es [Name]."

    * English: "Nice to meet you." | Spanish: "Encantado de conocerte."

    **Prompt:** Translate the following English phrase into Spanish: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

    2. Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting:

    Concept: Encourage the model to articulate its reasoning process before providing the final answer. This helps in understanding its thought process and can lead to more robust and insightful responses.


    • Explicitly ask for reasoning: Use phrases like "Explain your thought process," "Show your work," or "Think step by step."

    • Guide the reasoning: Provide prompts that guide the model through specific steps or logical reasoning patterns.


    **Task:** Determine the next number in the sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16...


    * First, identify the pattern in the sequence.

    * Then, apply the pattern to determine the next number.

    * Finally, write the next number in the sequence.

    3. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG):

    Concept: Enhance the model's accuracy and minimize errors by providing it with relevant text snippets to refer to during response generation.


    • Prioritize relevant information: Guide the model to focus on the provided snippets by using phrases like "Refer to the following text," or "Use these snippets to support your answer."

    • Structure the snippets: Organize the snippets into a logical format, like a list or a table, for easier access.


    **Task:** Answer a question about a specific topic using information from a provided document.


    * Read the following document: [Insert document here].

    * Answer the question: [Insert question here].

    * Use information from the document to support your answer.

    4. Structured Input and Output:

    Concept: Improve communication and ensure consistent responses by clearly defining the format for both inputs and outputs.


    • JSON or Markdown: Use these formats to structure complex information and represent relationships between data points.

    • Define schema: Specify the expected structure of the output, including fields, data types, and relationships.


    **Task:** Summarize product reviews.

    **Input format:** JSON array of product reviews, each containing fields like "review_text" and "rating".

    **Output format:** JSON object with fields like "overall_sentiment" (positive, negative, neutral) and "key_themes" (list of common themes).

    5. Specific Instructions:

    Concept: Provide clear and detailed instructions to guide the model towards the desired outcome.


    • Break down complex tasks: Divide complex tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks for clearer instructions.

    • Include steps or rules: Structure instructions in a step-by-step format or provide specific rules to follow.


    **Task:** Write a formal letter of complaint.


    * Start with a formal salutation and introduce yourself.

    * Clearly state the purpose of the letter and the specific complaint.

    * Provide detailed evidence and supporting information.

    * Conclude with a request for resolution and a polite closing.

    Use code with caution.

    6. Small, Focused Prompts:

    Concept: Break down complex tasks into smaller, focused prompts to improve clarity and accuracy.


    Address one subtask per prompt: Avoid overloading the model with multiple tasks in a single prompt.

    Build on previous responses: Use the output of a previous prompt as input for the next one.


    **Task:** Summarize a research paper.

    **Prompt 1:** Extract the key points from the introduction of the research paper.

    **Prompt 2:** Summarize the methodology section of the research paper.

    **Prompt 3:** Summarize the results and conclusion of the research paper.

    **Prompt 4:** Combine the summaries from prompts 1-3 to create a concise summary of the entire research paper.

    By applying these prompt engineering techniques, you can unlock the true potential of LLMs and achieve better results in your applications. Remember, the key is to think like an engineer – design prompts that guide the model towards the desired outcome with clarity and precision.

Below are the Best AI Startup Courses & Books to LEarn AI.


Deep Learning

by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville: An indispensable resource for anyone who wants to understand the intricacies of deep learning techniques.

AI Superpowers

by Kai-Fu Lee: Explore how AI is reshaping global business and how you can position your startup to thrive in the new world order.

Zero to One

by Peter Thiel: A compelling read about thinking differently and starting a business that breaks the mold.

Lean Startup

by Eric Ries: Focuses on efficient startup methodologies that can help your AI business achieve more with less.

Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb: Gain crucial insights into the economic implications of AI. This book helps entrepreneurs understand how AI creates value, disrupts industries, and presents unique business opportunities.

The Master Algorithm

by Pedro Domingos: Learn how machine learning is revolutionizing industries and how you can harness these changes.

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig: Considered the bible of AI, this book provides a comprehensive exploration of AI theory and practice, covering search algorithms, machine learning, robotics, and more.

The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World

by Pedro Domingos: Delve into the five major schools of thought in machine learning and explore their potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. This book offers a thought-provoking perspective on the future of AI.

Free AI Courses

AI For Everyone by Andrew Ng (Coursera)

This course is taught by the most well-known AI Expert and is tailored for non-technical learners, covering the potential and limits of AI, and how it can be applied in various business contexts.

Elements of AI (University of Helsinki)

Offers a comprehensive introduction to the basics of AI, focusing on broad concepts and societal implications, ideal for those new to the subject.

Google AI Education

Google's educational resources cover a variety of AI topics at different levels of expertise, including some tailored for business leaders who wish to understand AI technology and its business applications.

AI for Leaders (MIT Sloan School of Management)

Focuses on the strategic implications of AI for business leaders, covering use cases, organizational changes, and ethical issues.

Building Generative AI Skills for Business Professionals

This course on LinkedIn Learning covers the fundamentals of generative AI models like ChatGPT and how they can be leveraged in business contexts. It's tailored for non-technical professionals and covers use cases, best practices, and potential risks/limitations.


This is one person’s journey of creating an AI company in 30 days which is an ongoing newsletter on LinkedIn with some valuable insights such as comparative costs of AI Models.

Additional Resources:

OpenAI Blog: Stay up-to-date on the latest AI developments and breakthroughs from one of the leading AI research companies.

Towards Data Science: Medium publication with articles explaining AI concepts, industry trends, and practical applications.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (AI Section): Deeper dive into philosophical aspects of AI, ethical debates, and societal impact.

Embarking on Your AI Entrepreneurial Journey

  • As you absorb the knowledge from these resources, think about the various applications of AI in business. AI content generation, for example, is a rapidly growing field that involves using AI to create written content, graphics, and even videos. Companies like OpenAI (with tools like GPT) and others are at the forefront, showing the potential of AI to revolutionize content creation.

    Fueling Innovation: Ideas Using AI

    The applications of AI are vast and ever-evolving. Here are a few ideas to spark your imagination:

    ❥ AI-powered content generation: Develop tools for automated content creation, including text, images, videos, and music.

    ❥ Personalized learning platforms: Leverage AI to create adaptive learning experiences tailored to individual needs and learning styles.

    ❥ AI-driven healthcare solutions: Develop AI models for medical diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans.

    ❥ Smart agriculture technologies: Utilize AI to optimize crop yields, monitor environmental conditions, and automate agricultural processes.

    By combining the insights from these courses, books, and strategies with your entrepreneurial vision, you'll be well-positioned to launch and scale your AI venture. Remember, the journey of building an AI company requires passion, perseverance, and a commitment to innovation.

  • The landscape of AI is continually evolving. Participating in AI conferences such as NeurIPS or the AI Conference by O'Reilly can provide insights and networking opportunities. Additionally, joining online forums and local meetups can help you stay on the cutting edge and connect with like-minded individuals.

    Beyond Technical Skills: Building a Successful AI Company

    Remember, technical knowledge is just one piece of the puzzle. To build a thriving AI company, focus on:

    ❥ Developing strong business acumen: Understand market dynamics, financial models, and strategic planning.

    ❥ Identifying market needs: Conduct thorough market research to validate your AI solutions and ensure they address real-world problems.

    ❥ Building a diverse team: Foster a team with expertise in AI, business development, marketing, and other relevant fields.

    ❥ Staying updated on AI advancements: Continuously learn and adapt to the evolving AI landscape. Check out the AI Tools Page for the latest and greatest.

  • Starting an AI company is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. By leveraging the best resources to understand both the technology and the business of AI, you can position your startup for success. Remember, the journey of learning and adaptation never truly ends in the realm of AI entrepreneurship. Embrace the challenge, and you may well be on your way to making a significant impact on the future.

    Embark on your journey with confidence, armed with the best knowledge and insights from leading experts in the field. Whether you're exploring how to start an AI company, how to create an AI business, or looking for innovative ideas using AI, the path ahead is bright for those prepared to innovate and lead.