The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.





Embarking on Your AI Entrepreneurial Journey

The next step is to analyze what is trending and get ahead of it. You also want to determine if you want to launch fast and make quick money or work on something that will change the world -- which will require investment. If you don't already know what you want to build try out these tools then come back to for more AI Startup Guide.

  1. Trend Hunter is a popular trend community and research platform that uses data, artificial intelligence, and a global network of trend spotters to identify and track emerging trends.

  2. Notion is an integrated artificial intelligence feature that assists in  generating ideas and automating tasks making it an invaluable tool for quickly brainstorming and refining new ideas.

  3. IdeaBuddy is an innovative business planning software powered by AI, that helps you turn your great ideas into successful ventures

Check out the Current AI Landscape FOR YOUR IDEAS

What is Trending?

WHAT IS Getting Funding?

1. Explore Existing AI Applications and Don't Repeat ThEse Ideas:

Research different AI Companies that are growing, getting funded, or are trending. I particularly like this website Exploding Topics for trending and Crunchbase for funding.

Identify successful AI companies: Study established players and startups alike. What problems do they solve? What is their unique selling point? 

Analyze industry trends: Stay updated on the latest advancements and emerging trends in the AI field. A great resource for this is There's An AI for That where you can research if your idea is already being worked on. But that doesn't mean you can't still build it. Execution is key and I will talk more about this later. This is a frequently asked question?

2. Pinpoint Problems and Needs:

Focus on specific industries or sectors: Instead of a broad approach, delve into areas like healthcare, finance, education, manufacturing, etc.

Identify pain points and inefficiencies: Within your chosen sector, find tasks or processes that are time-consuming, expensive, or prone to errors.

Consider human needs and desires: Explore how AI can address challenges or enhance experiences in people's lives. Notion AI is one of the best companies addressing a need using AI. Their product can help you come up with ideas as well as create the plan to execute it and keep your team aligned.

3. Brainstorm AI-powered Solutions:

Match AI capabilities to the problems: Can machine learning optimize processes? Can computer vision automate tasks? Can natural language processing improve communication?

Think outside the box: Don't limit yourself to existing solutions. Explore innovative and unconventional applications of AI.

Focus on user experience: Ensure your AI solution is user-friendly, ethical, and accessible to your target audience.

4. Validate Your AI startup Ideas with Quick Prototypes:

The best tool for validating your AI Company Ideas is DimeaDozen

The next step is to try to see if you can build a quick AI Prototype. The future is here, and it's called no-code AI! Platforms like and Latenode are revolutionizing the AI landscape by empowering anyone, regardless of technical background, to build and deploy powerful AI applications.

Why No-Code AI is the Next Big Thing:

  • Democratization of AI: No longer is AI development confined to the realm of tech giants and coding wizards. Companies that are making No-code AI puts the power of artificial intelligence in the hands of everyone, opening doors to endless possibilities.

  • Unleash Your Creativity: Whether you're an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking idea, a small business owner seeking to automate tasks, or simply an AI enthusiast eager to experiment, no-code AI provides the tools to bring your vision to life.

  • Rapid Prototyping and Iteration: Say goodbye to the days of long development cycles and complex coding. No-code AI allows you to build and test your ideas quickly, iterate on the fly, and get your AI solutions up and running in record time.

  • Cost-Effective Innovation: Developing AI solutions traditionally required hiring expensive specialists and investing heavily in infrastructure. No-code AI platforms offer a more accessible and budget-friendly alternative, making AI implementation a reality for startups, small businesses, and individuals alike.

Here are some other no-code or low-code sites to checkout:

  • - ridiculously fun and weird and free

  • PromptBase - if you get good at prompts you can try to hire yourself out as a Prompt Engineer or get your ideas hired out until you launch your company

  • Bubble - free and the most well known app No Code builder on this list

  • - another free app for building with easy prompts. I quite like this one.

Remember, the key is to identify a genuine problem, develop a unique AI solution, and effectively bring it to market.

Ok and if all else fails and you want to brainstorm AI Company ideas using AI here is a list of them. Full credit goes to There's An AI for That 

Startup Check - Startup analysis - Careful Screening and Due Diligence of a Startup

Tactyqal - Startup ideas - Generating over 10,000 startup business ideas with a single click.

Marvyn - Startup analysis - Marvyn, your Seed VC analyst.

Startup Factory - Startup ideas - Generating startup ideas through market research. 

Business Creator - Startup ideas - Develop and refine business ideas with AI.

Informly Idea Validator - Startup ideas - Validate and grow your business idea with AI.

Also some more tools that I found. I will add them as I find them here: