How much will this cost?

You need to figure out whether the product idea that you are building will be viable.

AI Model Cost Comparison Table

The comparison table below covers the basics that may help you in your financial planning for your AI company. The table includes data that you will need, i.e:

1.     We needed to know how many “Tokens” were allowed for Input and Output

2.     We also needed to know when the AI Model training date cutoff was since that indicated how much knowledge of current events (and for us, the rapidly evolving internet jargon,) it would know and understand.

3.     The costs associated with the Tokens

AI Strengths & Weaknesses Comparison Table

Here's a table summarizing the capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and use cases for the AI models Gemini 1.5 Pro, GPT-4 Turbo, Mistral Large, Mixtral 8x7B, Llama 2, and Claude Opus, including their capabilities to handle different media types like images, videos, and audio